What Legal Counseling Really Is

Legal Counselling is a system of proper legal aid rendered to a client by representing and advocating the client's case before, during and after the proceedings. It also involves composing legal documents and doing legal procedures in same interest as well as communicating with third parties in the interest of a client.
Legal Counselling - Abayomi Adeola Della

Legal counseling can also be called Legal Advice. It is ordinarily provided in exchange for financial or other tangible compensation. Advice given without remuneration is normally referred to as being pro bono publico (in the public good), or simply pro bono.

In the common law systems it is usually received from a solicitor, barrister or lawyer in civil law systems it is given by advocates, lawyers or other professionals (such as tax experts, professional advisors, etc.).

In some countries, legal advice is subject to the possession of a specific license; In others, it is simply subject to the general regulation of professional obligation and can be provided by any person, who will usually be legal for the provided advice. The UK's Legal Service Act includes the giving of legal advice within the definition of unreserved legal activities, which means that it can be provided by any person not just an officer of the court. However, if it is provided by a lawyer or another person authorised by one of the front line legal services regulators, then this activity is included within their regulatory reach.

People who engage in legal counseling, are called Legal Counselors. A Legal counsellor’s tasks (considering the specific needs of the client) basically allows to:
  1. Provide opinions, explanations and answers to the legal questions;
  2. Explain what kind of legal rules the client has to fulfill and analyze the implementation;
  3. Provide suggestions on how to ensure the legitimacy of her actions and the means to protect her interests and rights;
  4. Compose or take part of composing or formulating legal documents;
  5. Communicate with third persons in the interest of the client including the public authorities and perform legal actions in the interest of the client or the employer;
  6. Represent and/or protect the customer outside the court, before and during the trial.

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