Resumption for a Law student is a two way thing - for first timers and returning students. If you are a first timer, there are so many thing you really need to know about the Law. However, returning students who already have an existing background in Law
We are back to the stress of conforming with dress code, late night reading, assignments and endless classes. To make sure you're adequately prepared, These are some back to school tips, reminders of things that might come in handy in your preparation.
1. Create a Packing Checklist
This is a precaution so you don't forget all the things you'll be needing in school. It can be annoying to forget important things and end up spending extra money and effort to get it.
2. Create a Spending Budget
Except if your father is Dangote, Avoid getting into financial trouble like you did last semester. Draft out and record all your expenses. "don't save what is left after you spend, spend what is left after you save"
3. Buy your Textbooks
For first time students, you must have heard a thing or two about the kind of text books that you would use. Buy the textbooks on your courses This is basically "Resumption 101". Get familiar with your courses. Also, remember your writing and jotting materials. They may seem trivial but most students don't remember until the dire minute.
Start reading on your courses
Even if you won't complete the syllabus for the semester. You can scan through the materials you have on your courses. You don't want to make the same mistake you made last semester. Get a grip on your courses in advance.
Be armed!
And by armed, I mean Stock up on lots of foodstuffs, you'll need it once the semester starts to get rigorous.
Go on a last minute shopping
Don't overlook all those little items you forgot to buy when you were shopping for school.
Learn some basic recipes.
To whom it may concern, don't spend the rest of the semester eating junks and buying 'take-away'. It's not too late to learn how to cook some very basic recipe. Anywhere, online. Home-cooked meals are better for your health.
Lastly and more importantly, make it your goal to achieve all the things you couldn't last session. The clubs you couldn't join, the business plan, building your CV e.t.c
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