Introduction to Legal Research and Writing

As a lawyer, law student or legally inclined individual, two things are very necessary - the ability to read comprehensively and write well


For Legal Narratives, the document usually begins with an introduction andthen flows into the statement of facts. Thereafter, the points of discussion comes in where the writer can input his arguments in the piece.

The skeleton formation and outline stage is one very important part ofthe legal research and writing process.

A document that highlights your grievance against the other pary is called a statement of claim.

Writ of Summons

Writ of Habeas Corpus

Writ of mandamus


Read: Arbitration as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Legal Research and the use of Resource Materials

Today, many resources, particularly information technology has being more than an aid to legal research and writing.

While it is true that there should be regular contributions to writing and knowledge, there should also be a test of idea and viability of research. This is why there is a credibility test which basically involves the grading of legal research and writing to see if it can stand the test of time. For example, an article on military rule might be off considering contemporary governance in Nigeria.

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