Everything You Should Know about the Prada Uzodimma Law School Scholarship Grant (PUSG)

The Prada Uzodimma Law School Scholarship Grant (PUSG) is an annual educational and philanthropic project initiated by Barrister Prada O. Uzodimma, Esq, ACIArb in partnership with Principle Legal Consult. 

The Scholarship Grant seeks to provide financial sponsorship to selected indigent Law School aspirants across Nigeria. Winners of this scholarship grant will have their LAW SCHOOL tuition fees fully catered for. There are no stringent requirements [such as being a first-class student]; as applicants are required to display a show of impassioned drive and determination toward becoming lawyers.

The scheme was birthed from an ardent understanding of the financial inhibitions, which challenge a sizeable number of Nigeria Law School Aspirants, restricting them from attaining their aspirations. We hope to positively re-script these sad narratives by emitting rays of hope and support through financial grants.

This Scholarship grant has been fully endorsed by several dignitaries such as The Director- General of the Nigerian Law School; Prof. Isa Chiroma and the Honourable Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice; Abubakar Malami, SAN. The Scholarship Grant has also been featured on notable newspapers and media platforms such as Vanguard, The Sun, The Nation, Nigerian Lawyer, and many more to inform prospective applicants of the opportunity and to encourage indigent law school aspirants to apply.

“We are keen on ensuring that bright minds and intellectuals are not deprived of their ambitions to become Barristers and Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Nigeria due to financial incapacity and have set up this scheme to infuse life to those vulnerable dreams.”

The program introduced by Prada Uzodimma, Esq, ACIArb in 2020, provided its first batch of Scholarship recipients in 2021 after going through roughly a total number of Forty-five (45) applications, and through an unbiased and meritorious selection process.

The Scholarship Grant selects its beneficiaries through an unbiased and merit-based selection process. A team of independent and unbiased judges are chosen each year, to thoroughly screen and select the beneficiaries of this scholarship.

In 2021, PUSG selected a novel set of five (5) aspiring and passionate individuals who became the first beneficiaries of the grant and who have gone on to become barristers and solicitors of our great country. In 2022, it selected and was able to sponsor the legal education of 10 (ten) equally passionate and aspiring lawyers who are currently all across the law school campuses in states like Lagos, Port Harcourt, Enugu and Yola campus.

“In 3 years, we have had over 400 applications from passionate and enterprising Nigerian students in need of financial sponsorship and we hope to continue to increase the number of beneficiaries each year.” The founder of this scholarship grant; Prada Uzodimma, Esq says.
PUSG has continued to follow up with the journey of all its beneficiaries, down to launching its ‘PUSG mentoring platform.’ In line with PUSG’s aim to produce well-rounded lawyers, PUSG, in partnership with Principle Legal Consult, kicked off its #PUSGFIRESIDECHAT series, a platform that seeks to educate, enlighten and mentor the law school students currently preparing for their bar finals on the various tools they need to succeed at their Bar Finals.

How to Apply

The application portal for the scholarship is http://principlelegalconsult.com/scholarship/. Applicants and all interested parties are encouraged to keep in touch with the Prada Uzodimma
Law School Scholarship Grant (PUSG) through its social media and website:
Website: http://principlelegalconsult.com/scholarship/
-Facebook (Prada Uzodimma Law School Scholarship Grant- PUSG)

-Instagram & Twitter (X) (@plconsult_)

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