The Legal Side of Feminism

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg evoking the mood of feminism spoke of a time "when women could aspire and achieve, and daughters are cherished as much as sons"

People hear the concept feminism and what comes to their mind is 'someone who advocates for the equal rights of men and women'. This is correct but the concept runs deeper than that. The various arguments I hear people engaging in both ladies and gentlemen alike had me thinking, what really is feminism?  I was totally oblivious about the pertinence of this topic till I made some researches and I felt everyone like me should be aware of this. The issue of feminism has been watered-down and nowadays someone just decides to make a mountain out of a molehill under the pretense of 'feminism'.
Even people who have never experienced the inequality or denial of their rights on the basis of being a woman feel they can talk about it when they have never been in 'that shoes'. People speak about feminism to be trendy, however it is a very serious issue.

The issue of feminism has led to so many confusing arguments that in the end, the subject of the conversation is lost.

Feminism was born at a dire time When the female gender was relegated and considered inferior, It was for the emancipation of women, not as a subject of the whims and caprices of people.Feminism is about helping girls to transform from self-doubt to self-love, providing a safe world for ladies, encouraging girls  to grow up to be kind of women they want and of course ensuring equality of all genders. It is not trifle things that people argue about.The oldies will shake in their graves when they see what feminism has turned to nowadays.

The word feminism was first used in the 1880’s in a movement for political and legal rights for women. There has been three different waves and generations of feminism, all for a good cause.

Most women are scared of been labelled feminist so they shy away from the subject reason being, feminists are usually stigmatized as controlling, aggressive,  & man-haters. However, If you believe in equality between the genders then you are a feminist by definition. People are ill-informed, believing that feminism is an hatred towards men or a plot to make women superior to men. Feminism is not a joke or  an hate group, it is a real issue.

 You might not be a victim but there are still many places in the world where ladies are still treated unequally with some specified absurd gender roles. 

"Feminists want women to feel safe against harassment and domestic violence. Feminism is not a dirty word. We need feminism".

Everyone should be a feminist !!!

By: Akinola Opeyemi Marian, 

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  1. This is the most beautifully written article I've seen in a while. The writer is so on point and I believe everyone should read this and everyone should be a feminist. Kudos!

  2. Very good write up Marian as covered by this outstanding Chambers.
    I have never labelled myself as a feminist even though I probably am, not for the negative ideas had about feminism but because I simply do not want to. I tell people: you may say I am a feminist but I will not call myself a feminist.

    By the way, I love the reference to Superwoman Ruth Bader Ginsburg, that woman has my heart!


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