The Nigerian Law School is an institution of repute that awards the BL degree which formally authorizes an individual to practise law in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. After your graduation from any faculty, school or college of law in the university, it is necessary that you attend a one year programme at the Nigerian Law School and be called to the bar in order to practise professionally. With six current campuses and its headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria, students of the Nigerian law school have to adapt to certain dress codes amongst other rules and regulations in the course of their studies.

There are many rules and regulations in every properly operating institution and the Nigerian law school is one. Since graduates of the Nigerian law school will be called into the bar in the long run, it is necessary that they begin to conduct themselves in a way that speaks well of the legal profession. As such, the rules and regulations at the Nigerian law school does not only talk about dressing in an educational sector but also talks about about how students should behave, conduct himself or herself, and relate with other students among others. It is popularly said that where there is no law, there is no crime and so these regulations, rules and conducts which guides students in educational settings are not formulated to subject the students under a kind of rule of law or coerce them to do the bidding of an institution. Rather it is a laid down rule or regulation, that helps students become better people in the future.
So, for an educational setting or for an educational institution to achieve certain goals and objectives, such an educational body has to implement these rules and regulations for students to follow at every particular point in time.
What is The Nigerian Law School Dress Code?
From the experience of senior colleagues who are now members of the bar, the different campuses of the Nigerian Law School have general standard rules as regards dressing. However, some campuses relax these rules due to weather conditions, nature of the environment and other reasons best known to them. On the other hand, other campuses may bring about penalties when these rules and regulations are trampled upon or are not adhered to subsequently.
These penalties are not put in place to trample on the human rights of any individual, rather it is a way of instilling discipline and orderliness in the lives of the students so as to become effective and efficient and proud members of the legal community in the future.
Whenever a child is taught at home, such a child brings to his or her environment, and whatever he or she learns in this same environment, is part of such a child for a lifetime. Every educational body or every educational system is jeered towards making the lives of its participants, or its students better in every ramification.
It does not matter if an educational system is strict in its policies, or in its objectives, the main point is that it is helping the citizens of the country to become better people, to themselves and to their society at large.
Many people who have gone through educational systems, have had to subject themselves to the rules and regulations governing such systems and one of the systems that will be talked about in this article is The Law school system. This is very different from a University that offers law as a course.
The Law school is where lawyers are reformed and molded, for the betterment of the country and this law school has rules and regulations for its participants to follow. A lawyer must be disciplined and have a sense of orderliness in order to function well in the society. The lawyer also is given the mandate to improve themselves, so that they can improve other people. The legal profession is highly regarded in the world today and many want to become lawyers. To do that, such individual must have an instilled sense of diligence in his or her attitudes and that includes dressing too. That said, here are the modes of dressing in the different Nigerian Law School Campuses.
1. Lagos Campus
The Nigerian Law School, Lagos Campus emphasizes the fact that all students must be well dressed at every point in time. Students who are not well dressed have to undergo the punishment for not following rules and regulations. In the Nigerian Law School Lagos Campus, ladies are allowed to put on a dark colored dress or a dark colored suit (which could be brown, black, dark blue or deep grey). The gown must not have any form of design on it or any pattern of another color. Ladies are also allowed to wear pure white blouses (not Tee shirts). There are allowed to wear black skirts that are below knee lengths. They are allowed to put on black covered shoes and not lace or palm sandals. They are allowed to wear a few pieces of jewelry, and nothing extraordinary.
Male students on the other hand are allowed to put on dark suits. They are also allowed to put on plain white shirts without any form of patterns. They are allowed to put on black ties, and not short or bow ties and are allowed to use white breast pockets handkerchief which is not compulsory in any way.
2. Agbani, Enugu Campus
The Nigerian Law School, Enugu school believes in orderliness and good conduct of students at all times and has a very strict policy on dressing for both male and female students. At the Enugu Campus of the Nigerian Law School, male students are allowed to wear black suits, black belts, black socks and black ties, all of which are compulsory. Also, they are to wear trousers that are long enough and touching their ankles and there is no room for any other color other than black. For female students,, black dresses are not allowed, except when the lady is pregnant. Female students are also not allowed to wear trousers of any colours. They are only allowed to wear black skirts and suits, accompanied with wear white shirts. Also, they are only allowed to wear black covered shoes.
3. Bagauda, Kano Campus
In the Kano Campus of the Nigerian Law School, male students are allowed to wear pure white shirts attached with either black or dark blue trousers and suits. They must wear the same color of a waistcoat and the suit. They are also allowed to wear black shoes and dark color neckties (no bow ties) only. On the other hand, female students are allowed to wear black skirts which must be below the knee. They are allowed to wear plain white short or long white sleeves or camisoles without patterns. While black gowns and black covered shoes are compulsory, they are also allowed to wear dark blue gowns.
4. Yenegoa, Bayelsa Campus
At the Bayelsa Campus of the Nigerian Law School, male students are allowed to wear dark coloured suits and trousers. They are allowed to wear dark coloured belts, dark coloured shoes, socks and dark coloured ties (no bow ties). The female students are allowed dark skirts or dark colored gowns and their shirts must be pure white shirts only. They are not allowed slits behind skirts, and it must not be too fitting. They are also allowed to wear only dark coloured covered shoes.
5. Yola, Adamawa Campus
Male students at the Yola Campus of the Nigerian Law School are only allowed black color suits and trousers. Long with their pure white coloured shirts, they are also allowed to wear only black coloured belts, ties, shoes and socks. On the other hand, the female students are allowed to wear black color skirt or gowns and black suits only. They are also allowed to wear mild accessories and must wear black covered shoes only.
6. Bwari, Abuja Campus
The male students at the Abuja Campus of the Nigerian Law School are only allowed all black suits and trousers
They are only allowed black shoes with black socks and laces
They are only allowed pure white shirts and sometimes with patterns
They are only allowed black ties, not bow ties
In the Abuja Campus of the Nigerian Law School, female students are allowed black skirts below the knee length. They are also allowed to wear white shirts with mild patterns and may have moderate slits at the back of their skirts. While black shoes are compulsory, they are allowed to carry any choice colour of the bag they want, whether black or not.
While these information was sourced from senior colleagues who are now practicing members of the bar, it is possible that there may be slight changes in the dressing codes for any of the campuses of the Nigerian Law School. This article is a guide only and prospective students of the Nigerian law school should do well to check the updated handbook of the Nigerian Law School upon registration to stay updated as to any changes to the dress codes and other regulations. Also, these rules and regulations only prove that all law school campuses in Nigeria strive for both academic excellence, corporate, professional and physical diligence in their students at all times.
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