Can a Pregnant Woman be sentenced to Death?

A Death sentence is a mandatory sentence for capital offences in Nigeria and in my article here, I explained the concept, points for determination, the decision and the rational for making a judgment sentencing an individual to death.

The question of whether or not a pregnant woman can be sentenced to death is however, a slightly different case. It is in fact, an exception to the general rul of the law on death sentences
Who is a Pregnant Woman?
Now that we have successfully defined a pregnant woman, it is safe to say that a Pregnant woman who is sentenced to death is one who?
According to Nigerian Laws, a pregnant woman shall not be sentenced to deatgh but in lieu, she shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life. This is in accordance with the provisions of Section 302(2) of the Administration of Criminal Justice Laws of Lagos State (ACJL). However, under Section 404 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA)

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